DataBases vs. spreadsheets.
The use of databases over spreadsheets give the following advangages:-
| Files not locked when in use, only individual records.
| Multiple tables on common forms.
| Superior data validation, can use pulldown selections based on user tables.
| Share data between departments and restrict the data that each department can access.
| Allows data to be input by less skilled operators.
| Less chance on data corruption and deletion by mistake.
| Data can be generated at the time of building reports, does not need to be stored.
| Data can easily be exported into other programs e.g. email, spreadsheets and Word mail merge & templates
| Improved security, user defined by multple passwords etc.
| Automatic data import and report generation.
| Data can be imported from other sources e.g. other databases, plc's, balances etc.
| Barcoded data can be incorporated into reports.